For many years I have used Sacred Geometry and symbols in my healing work. As long as you remember they are only symbols and are there to help us connect to the underlying essence of the energy they can all be used quite safely to advance our energy work in very real ways. Here is a selection of my favourites.
Speaking of symbols in general, Iris Ishikuro (who was initiated in 1973 by Hawayo Takata) said that “this science of energy, based on the language of symbols, comes to us from ancient Tibet, having been rediscovered in the Indian Sutras in the mid-nineteenth century. . . . This science is not Japanese, but is related to a number of similar kinds of universal energy sciences from India/Tibet such as the science of Mandala, and Yantras, and any science based on Mantras.”
She went on to say that “symbols play a crucial role in the influencing of one’s own body for one’s own benefit or for the well being of another individual who is experiencing negative conditions.” This relates, of course, directly to Reiki and the symbols used in Reiki II and Reiki III. At this point, however, my mind did a ‘giant leap’ and ‘clicked’ onto the idea of ‘Sacred Geometry’ and its relationship to our lives. I’ve to date not studied any of the principles of sacred geometry, but I begin to see the potentials of it. . . and all symbols. Including Mandalas.
Ishikuro continues: “Realizing that psychological problems have direct influence upon one’s body Temple, Tibetan Holy men began correcting the state of mind, and made Sanscrit Symbols to remind the people of the divine power in their daily lives. Other uses for the Symbols include: improving health, increasing happiness, aiding in meditation, sending prayers, healing, and helping one’s evolution. The Johre Symbol is a perfect example. It can be made in any size, and hung in any place. It is hung to provide peace, protection, balance, success, power, and righteousness.”
Kathleen Milner in Reiki & Other Rays of Touch Healing calls this symbol Japanese calligraphy which means White Light, and dates it back about 100 years ago. She says that “Johre connects us to the Earth’s guardians, and works well on releasing blockages.”
Diane Stein in Essential Reiki also includes Johre in her section of Non-Reiki Symbols and again calls it White Light, but makes no further comments about it.
My own personal observation of this symbol finds it interesting to note that the first two segments of it are a ‘disconnected’ Power Symbol from the traditional Reiki symbols, of sorts. (Not exactly, but sort of.) The last segment, on the other hand, is a complete, clockwise Power Symbol. Interesting that the middle segments are therefore basically sandwiched between two Power Symbols similar to the way we use the Reiki symbols in healing.
The Antahkarana
This is referred to in some papers I have a partial copy of as “The Master Frequency Symbol.” It then goes on to call it “The Bridge Between Two Worlds” and says that it works to remiss toxicity from the system and restore cellular vibrancy on three levels of being. The inference from these papers is that some Masters may include this symbol in their attunements.
Diane Stein in Essential Reiki says of this: “Another form being used as an additional Reiki symbol is called the Antahkarana. It is a meditation and healing symbol from Tibet, mentioned by Alice Bailey and other authors as having been used in ritual for thousands of years. Placed under the massage table during healing, it focuses and amplifies Reiki or other healing energies. It is also said to connect the physical brain with the Crown chakra, and to have positive effects on all the chakras and the aura. Meditation on the symbol automatically starts the Microcosmic Orbit, sending Ki through the central energy channels and the body. During meditation, the symbol seems to shift and change, evolving into other images. The Antahkarana can be used to release negative energy from people or objects and can be used to clear crystals.”
She goes on to say that she has seen “holographic representations of the Antahkarana imbedded into square wooden plates. It seems to be used mostly in the Midwest, as the several people who have shown me the symbol are all from that part of the country. The form feels positive and sacred. It is not one of the lost Reiki symbols, but it is positive in its own use. It is said to be a symbol that cannot be used in negative ways; its energy has been proven by many healers for many years beyond its ancient history.”
Zonar, Harth, Halu & Mara
With the first three of these symbols there is an interesting conflict of opinion which I’ve run across. One source claims to have been given these symbols on the inner plains, and gives initiations in/with them as part of the Reiki attunements which she performs. A second source (Diane Stein in Essential Reiki) says she was shown these symbols by someone else, and that they are not Reiki symbols. She goes on to recount what she considers a ‘negative’ experience with one of these symbols. The fourth symbol is also given in the first source, but the origin of it is unclear.
Right here I feel to add that true Reiki symbols are ‘protected’ and cannot be used for negativity of any kind. So, this might tend to support the viewpoint of the second person. However, there is also the unspoken possibility that the actual symbol was not used, but a variation or addition or something. Without all the ‘facts’ from all persons involved, I believe a definite conclusion cannot be drawn. Having said that, I’ll now share the one version of how these symbols were supposedly received, and let you make up your own mind.
Kathleen Milner in Reiki & Other Rays of Touch Healing tells this personal story. Through a friend of hers, she allegedly was able to work with “Sai Baba and other higher beings. . . on the inner planes.” And over a period of time she and her friend were given each of these four symbols, and then told to initiate each other with them. She goes on to say that “there are symbols that either do not work or will not work as well unless you are initiated into them.”
According to Milner, “Zonar was the first of the symbols Sai Baba gave to me. I draw the “Z” first and then come up and draw infinity three complete times. Zonar works well with past life and karmic issues. Valerie Weaver was given that infinity is a Reiki symbol which works on emotional issues. Our cells carry the memory of trauma, both the shock of our own individual experiences and those of the mass consciousness.”
She goes on to suggest that even if you do not believe in reincarnation, or weren’t one of the “11 million people burned as witches,” we all have connections to this or “own a share of the trauma within the mass consciousness.” This would hold true, of course, for all horrific episodes including the holocausts, natural and man-made disasters, and individual crimes. “What we do to another, we do to ourselves.”
Milner concludes that “interestingly, Zonar is also the symbol used by a secret metaphysical society called the “Z’s” at the University of Virginia. Benjamin Franklin, who wrote The Farmer’s Almanac, which is based on astrology, and Thomas Jefferson were both deeply interested and involved in metaphysics. Thomas Jefferson designed the architecture for the University of Virginia.
Stein describes Zonar as “Infinity, timeless, eternity. Works well with past-life, karmic and interdimensional issues.”
Harth is the second symbol which was supposedly given to Milner by Sai Baba. She says that “for many people, this is their favorite symbol. It stands for love, truth, beauty, harmony and balance. It is a powerful symbol for the heart as well as from the heart, from which healing and love flow. After drawing the symbol and energizing it with Cho Ku Rays, close your eyes and you may see a 3-dimensional pyramid constructed to scale rotating in front of you. Envisioning ourselves going into the pyramid in meditation can be a powerful experience. . . .”
I think it should be noted at this point, that this is the symbol which Diane Stein claims to have a bad experience with. I won’t perpetuate the negativity of that by reiterating it here, but anyone interested can find the entire story in her book Essential Reiki. Again, my own personal feelings are that with care, respect, and positive intents, much can be accomplished with any symbols or healing energies. Following your own intuitions and listen to your guides and the Reiki guides in all things!
Stein does list Harth as dealing with “love, truth, beauty, harmony, balance. This is the symbol for the heart from which healing and love flow. It is a three-dimensional pyramid.”
Milner goes on to tell an anecdote relating to the Harth symbol: “One of my students in New Jersey, Aaron Sapiro, met a Japanese American, who as a young boy left Japan with his family just prior to World War II. Before leaving, his family had worked with some of the men Mikao Usui had trained as teachers. The family had been given the symbol of a cross with a pyramid in the middle of it by these healing teachers.”
Milner also says that many of the people whom she reinitiated with this symbol “had an instant past-life recall and experienced working with Harth in Egypt or Atlantis. Each one of these people told me the same thing; that is, that Harth had been altered slightly. When I asked, I was told by the Higher Beings that they had done this intentionally when they cleared the symbol, and the adjustment was also to insure that the energy would not be misused.”
In Milner’s book she says that “Halu is the third and last Reiki symbol that Sai Baba gave me. I give it out in my Reiki III classes, but have decided to include it within this text because I believe that it was never Sai Baba’s intention that these symbols be sold alone for large sums of money.”
Interestingly, however, she later states that “we must be initiated into this symbol by someone who has been initiated into this symbol in order for it to work.” Again, you decide.
Her directions for drawing this symbol differ slightly from the order shown in the second, numbered version, which was taken from Essential Reiki. Milner says she starts “drawing Zonar, saying Zonar 3 times while drawing the infinity symbol. I lift my finger and close the “z” from top to middle. Then I lift my finger again and close the “z” from bottom to middle. I draw the tall pyramid and say Halu 3 times. I draw the circle at the top, which represents the cap stone of the pyramid, counterclockwise.”
She says that this symbol is “Zonar intensified. The tall pyramid is for mental healing. The so called tall, pointed dunce caps that they used to put on mentally slow children actually worked. However, by referring to them as dunce caps, much of the beneficial energy was negated. The infinity in the middle of Halu is for emotional healing. By closing the “Z” the energy is enhanced.”
Stein says of this symbol that it is “love, truth, beauty, harmony, balance and a deeper Ray of Healing. Halu is Zonar amplified in power. The tall pyramid on the top is symbolic of high mental energy.”
The origin of the symbol Mara is unclear, but Milner says it is “a Reiki symbol which connects and grounds us to the Earth. Originally it was given to me in a different form and called Rama. The 5 spirals represent the 4 directions and 4 elements. The spiral in the center of Mara represents our heart. Our hearts are the center of the medicine wheel, the center of the circle. The 2 “v’s” coming together within the center represent the feminine and masculine aspects of God Him/Herself. When this symbol is intoned Mara, the straight lines shift and begin looking like ley lines on the earth’s surface; while the spirals form a vertical energy line between heaven and earth, with the central spiral intersecting the point where the 2 lines converge.”
She suggests that this symbol would be very good for people who are lacking or who have no earth in their astrological charts. It would serve as a good grounding device for them. She says that “in the second Reiki initiation, this symbol opens the chakra that is in the sole of the feel, which further opens the initiate to the cobalt blue healing energy of Mother Earth and the blue-green energy of the sea. As it is of the earth, it is also a symbol for prosperity.
On a personal note, I have not been initiated with this symbol. However, after my Second Degree attunements, I suddenly noticed that the bottom of my feet were getting quite warm for no apparent reason. Now, in the past, my feet have been normally quite cool, and in the winter, I’d have problems with getting them warm after going to bed. Now, suddenly, the opposite was true. Very quickly, it dawned on me, that what I was experiencing was Reiki energy being channeled through, and out the bottoms of my feet!
I mention this to illustrate that while additional initiations may be sought, and may enhance the energy flow, they are not essential. All healing can be done in other ways and/or with the current body of Traditional Reiki Symbols and initiations. In a very real way, it does all come down to the personal level!
This batch of symbols I’ve taken from Diane Stein’s Essential Reiki. She says that “while I do not consider these to be Reiki symbols, some of them bear discussion. Om is a Sanskrit symbol, representing the sound that created the Universe. Several other Sanskrit symbols are pictured, all with healing energy. The Palm Master symbol represents the passage of energy through the chakras and Sushumna, and may be an initiation form. Tantric Buddist statuary shows many similar symbols carved into the palms of the hands of the Buddhas. . . .” She also goes into a further discussion of some symbols called Bijas and their uses, meanings, and areas in which you find them drawn. She sights as her source for much of this information Pierre Rambach’s The Secret Message of Tantric Buddhism (Rizzoli International Publications, 1979).
It should also be noted that the three spirals of the Palm Master Symbol are identified as (top to bottom): third eye, heart, pelvis.
I offer these symbols and information here as something interesting to note. And for ‘further reference’ of additional symbols and their usage. Enjoy!
Other symbols
Kathleen Milner in her book Reiki & Other Rays of Touch Healing lists several other symbols. In each case, the symbol was apparently given to an individual person who has in turn shared it with her. She actually lists 13 such symbols; some of which are quite interesting and seem to have potential. If you are interested in this sort of thing, then I would encourage you to locate a copy of her book, and peruse it in depth.
I have chosen to include two of these symbols here as an example. They are the first two which Milner gives.
She calls this symbol Shanti and ‘subtitles’ it Peace. She says this “is a symbol channeled in by Pat Courtney of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It heals the past, which allows us to live harmoniously in the present, thus releasing the future. Shanti can be used for manifesting the best possible.”
As an example of one person’s use of this symbol she says that “to heal and open closed chakras, Maria Rawlins of Ireland energizes and puts Johre into the closed chakras. The nest time her client comes to see her, Maria energizes and puts Shanti into the chakras.”
This second symbol is called Sati and, according to Milner, “was given to me by Lawson Bracewell of Punskaiki, New Zealand. The equal arm cross represents the equal quality of Spirit (mother-father, male-female, etc.). It represents the four directions and four elements, and it is the same cross that Jesus worked with. The Romans were the ones who elongated the lower arm and turned it into the object of his crucifixion. Jesus never meant for us to venerate the implement of his torture and death; instead we are supposed to honor the elements and forces of creation. The 2 interpenetrating masculine (clock-wise) and feminine (counterclockwise) circles represent the dynamic relationship of the 2. Out of this union the manifestation of Mother-Father-God, as well as the soul on earth, will be greater as we come out of the age of darkness and into the Age of Aquarius.”
“To draw Sati, I start at the top of the equal-arm cross and draw a mirror image of the cross only. I lift my fingers and place them on the center of the bottom line of the rectangle, and again draw mirror images. Then I simultaneously draw the 2 interpenetrating circles, right clockwise and the left counterclockwise.” This set of directions comes clearer when you realize that Milner draws all of her symbols with both hands simultaneously. So, apparently, she is drawing half of this symbol with her left hand while she draws the other half with her right hand.
With thanks to Juanita Simser”
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